Dec 25, 2014

Muslim Memories of Christmas

By Saadia Faruqi
Today is Christmas Day, and I want to take this opportunity to wish my friends and colleagues a very happy Christmas. Some among my circle express surprise, even shock, at my supposed participation in this very non-Muslim tradition each year. These are the people who don't know me, I suppose. These are the people who don't know what Islam is truly about. Christmas to me and countless other Muslims is a very positive, joyous occasion for a number of reasons. Here then, are a few of them:

Dec 17, 2014

Christmas with an International Flair

Houston’s one and only Indian Christmas celebration was hosted on December 20th at the Stafford Civic Center. As always the auditorium was packed to watch an awe inspiring program by Houston Indian Fellowship.

Dec 5, 2014

Book Review: Jesus and Buddha

Source: Goodreads
Three thousand miles from where Jesus was born, another miraculous birth occurred: the Buddha (also said to be born without a father - editor). As the Buddha walked on water, passed through walls, and raised the dead, so did Jesus in his day. As the Buddha fed 500 with a few small cakes, so did Jesus work with loaves and fishes. Five hundred years after a terrible earthquake marked the death of the Buddha, the earth shook again when Jesus breathed his last.